//take my heart
hargai org yg tersayang :(
Monday 6 February 2012 @ 18:11 | 0 Comment [s]

assalamualikum n hye peps :) oke see my tittle .. mmg agak jiwang kan ^-^ msuk tahun 2012 nie perangai aq jadii memelik . oke ! pernah rase menyayangi ? disayangii ?? oke wat ebe !! kann bezz klu kite admire someone n he also admire kite . so , sweet . tp smue 2 kite x taw.. kite bersembg kat fb mcm kwan biase tp dlam hati msing2 simpan perasaan, just nice at there -.-

korgg pernahh share ngn parents x psal perasaan korg ?? satu pengakuan di sini, smpai skrg aq tak pernah brani nk share soal hati ngn parents aq,mabye maluu or takut k0t .

klu kite jadi orgg mcm aq storyy kat ats tadii mmg seronok rite ?? mmg tak bertepuk sebelah tgn syunk :)
mmg happy bile couple , then bile break ?? tuhan sje yg tahun feel kite kan ? 

berdasarkan tittle aq so appreciate  la ape yg kite ade :)

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